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Fall from operating table leads to medical malpractice claim

The United States is home to some of the best health care facilities in the world. Everyday, highly skilled and well-trained medical professionals deliver first-class care to thousands of patients at these facilities. One would think that world-class facilities equipped with advanced technology combined with skilled doctors and nurses would equal better outcomes for patients. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as medical malpractice remains one of the leading causes of injury and death in Kentucky and across the country.

A lawsuit filed by a woman in another state claims that negligence at a medical center led to her falling off of an operating table. The woman apparently suffered a heart attack and visited the medical center for treatment. According to the lawsuit, the woman was required to undergo surgery.

During the procedure, the woman fell off of the operating table while she was opened up with surgical tools still in her, the lawsuit claimed. Allegedly, the woman’s head struck the floor, and as a result, she suffered double vision, a concussion and jaw injuries. The woman claims she has also suffered psychological and emotional distress, and had nightmares following the incident.

Although strict regulations and standards have improved medical care across the country, negligence still occurs at an alarming rate. Those in Kentucky who have suffered injury or the loss of a loved one as a result of medical malpractice can take legal action. A substantial monetary award from a successful lawsuit could provide much-needed relief for financially struggling families.


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