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Asynclitic Presentation Negligence

Helping Families Seek Justice for Birth Injuries Caused by Medical Negligence

Doctors have a duty to keep you and your baby safe during the delivery process, making careful decisions to protect your health and avoid birth injuries. However, when medical negligence occurs, it can lead to serious harm, especially in cases involving asynclitic presentation, where the baby’s head is tilted to one side in the mother’s birth canal. This condition can cause complications during childbirth, including prolonged labor, fetal distress, and lasting head injuries.

Asynclitic Presentation Negligence

At TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm, we serve families throughout Northern Kentucky and Southwest Ohio, helping parents and families pursue justice when their child or loved one suffers injuries caused by medical errors during the birthing process. Our team can investigate your case, gather medical records, and file a medical malpractice claim to hold healthcare professionals accountable.

Call (800) 698-4054 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation and discuss your legal options with an experienced Northern Kentucky or Cincinnati birth injury attorney today.

What is Asynclitism?

Asynclitic presentation during childbirth is a condition where the baby’s head is tilted towards one shoulder while entering the birth canal instead of aligning straight down. This misalignment can complicate the delivery process and may hinder the baby’s ability to be safely delivered vaginally.

Although some babies in asynclitic positions can still be delivered vaginally with assistance, these cases must be managed with extreme care.

Delays in recognizing or inadequately addressing asynclitism can result in prolonged labor, increasing the risk of significant injuries to both the mother and child. For instance, the baby could suffer nerve damage or brain injuries due to prolonged pressure or lack of oxygen, while the mother could suffer severe tears or uterine rupture.

Healthcare professionals are responsible for continuously monitoring the baby’s position and progress during labor. If there are indications that a natural delivery might pose risks due to the baby’s asynclitic position, it becomes critical to make timely decisions, such as proceeding with an emergency C-section delivery. This decisive action is often necessary to prevent severe consequences for the infant and the mother, ensuring the safest possible outcome.

What Causes Asynclitic Presentation?

In most cases, asynclitic presentation occurs due to the pregnant mother having an uneven pelvic floor or rotated hips. While this condition can sometimes resolve on its own during delivery, it can also lead to significant challenges if not managed properly.

In rarer situations, cephalopelvic disproportion can happen, where the baby’s head is too large, or the mother’s pelvis is too small. This makes vaginal delivery extremely risky and, in some cases, impossible. When cephalopelvic disproportion occurs, the baby may become stuck during labor, increasing the likelihood of severe complications such as oxygen deprivation, nerve damage, or permanent birth injuries.

For these reasons, it is essential for the doctor to closely monitor the labor and delivery process and recognize the signs of asynclitic presentation as early as possible. Proper management may include repositioning techniques, assisted delivery methods, or even an emergency C-section, if necessary.

If a doctor fails to take these precautions or delays critical interventions, both the mother and baby could experience a traumatic birth injury with lifelong impacts, requiring extensive medical treatment and rehabilitation.

What Causes Asynclitic Presentation

Risks Associated with Asynclitism

  • Risks to the Baby
    • Shoulder dystocia: Asynclitic presentation can lead to shoulder dystocia during birth, causing brachial plexus injuries which damage the nerves controlling the newborn’s arm and shoulder.
    • Oxygen deprivation: Prolonged labor can cause the baby’s oxygen supply to be cut off. This lack of oxygen, called hypoxia, may result in permanent brain damage to the newborn.
    • Head injuries: The stress and pressure of a traumatic birth can cause brain bleeds or skull fractures that may have lasting effects on the child’s health.
  • Risks to the Mother
    • Prolonged labor: Asynclitic presentation can cause issues in the second stage of labor and prolong the birthing process. This puts strain on the mother and increases fatigue, stress, and the likelihood of serious complications during delivery.
    • Physical trauma: In severe cases, uterine rupture can occur during delivery, posing a life-threatening risk to the mother. Severe tearing in the vaginal and perineal areas can also happen, causing significant pain and requiring long recovery periods.
    • Higher risk of infections: Prolonged labor increases the chance of infections that can lead to long-term health problems, including chronic pain, scarring, or fertility issues.
  • Long-Term Implications
    • Developmental delays: Birth trauma caused by asynclitic presentation can affect the child’s ability to meet developmental milestones, such as walking, speaking, or learning.
    • Permanent disabilities: Conditions like facial nerve palsy or cerebral palsy can result from injuries sustained during birth. These lifelong challenges often require ongoing medical care, therapy, and support, placing emotional and financial strain on families.

Proper treatment and immediate action during delivery are essential to avoid these risks. When medical negligence contributes to otherwise preventable outcomes, families deserve answers and the opportunity to pursue justice.

If you or your child was harmed during the birthing process, you may be able to file a medical malpractice lawsuit to recover damages for medical bills, ongoing care costs, and emotional distress experienced by your family. A labor and delivery malpractice attorney at TLF can provide the legal knowledge and guidance to hold negligent healthcare providers accountable.

Birth Injuries Caused by Asynclitism Negligence

Examples of Asynclitic Presentation Negligence by Medical Professionals

A frequent example of labor and delivery malpractice is neglecting to identify asynclitic presentation during labor. Doctors and medical staff should recognize when the baby’s head is tilted abnormally in the birth canal before it is too late. If they fail to detect these signs early, the risk of delivery complications and birth injuries grows significantly.

In some cases, medical professionals may use tools like forceps or vacuum extractors improperly, causing serious harm to both the mother and the newborn. A negligent doctor may also fail to perform a C-section, even when it is not safe to deliver the baby vaginally. Since most asynclitic babies are born via C-section to reduce the risks tied to vaginal birth, overlooking this option puts the mother and child in jeopardy.

Additionally, doctors and nurses must watch the baby’s heart rate and oxygen levels during labor. Ignoring abnormal heart rhythms or signals of fetal distress can lead to permanent brain injuries or even wrongful death.

Potential Birth Injuries Caused by Asynclitism Negligence

There are a number of birth injuries that can be caused by asynclitic presentation negligence. Perhaps the most common injuries for babies include:

For mothers, the most common birth injuries related to asynclitism negligence include:

  • Severe tearing
  • Uterine rupture
  • Infections
  • Emotional trauma
Risks Associated with Asynclitism

Can You Sue for Asynclitic Head Injuries?

You may be able to file a medical malpractice lawsuit for asynclitic head injuries if a healthcare professional did not meet the required standard of care. Asynclitic presentation negligence happens when medical staff fail to take the right steps to protect the mother and baby during pregnancy or childbirth, such as overlooking signs of an abnormal head position, delaying important decisions like an emergency C-section, or misusing delivery tools.

If you believe medical malpractice played a part in your child’s birth injuries, it is important to know that the statute of limitations puts a deadline on filing a medical malpractice claim. In Ohio, you generally have one year from the date of injury or when you discovered it, while Kentucky follows a similar one-year timeframe with possible exceptions based on your situation.

A Cincinnati or Covington medical malpractice attorney from our law firm can review your case, explain your legal options, and help you pursue justice for your family.

Compensation for Asynclitism-Related Birth Injuries

Asynclitism-related birth injuries can leave families facing serious financial and emotional challenges, especially when the injuries are caused by medical malpractice. In many cases, these injuries require costly medical treatments, ongoing care, and specialized equipment.

The extent of the injury often affects the amount of compensation families can seek, which may include covering medical bills, pain and suffering, and long-term care expenses such as therapy or special education needs.

Unfortunately, many doctors fail to properly recognize or address asynclitism during labor and delivery, leaving families to cope with the lasting consequences and financial hardships. Our experienced birth injury attorneys are here to help you through the legal process and recover the compensation you deserve.

How a Covington or Cincinnati Birth Injury Lawyer at TLF Can Help With Your Case

If your child was severely injured during labor and delivery because of medical malpractice, a Covington or Cincinnati birth injury lawyer at TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm can help you understand what steps to take next. We offer a free case evaluation where we discuss your situation in detail and address any legal questions you might have.

Our team takes action by collecting all necessary evidence to support your case. This includes gathering medical records, consulting with medical experts, and finding witnesses who can explain what happened and identify who is at fault. This thorough approach helps us build a strong case for you.

After reviewing all the details, we develop a tailored legal strategy focused on your specific needs and goals. This plan aims to ensure your concerns are addressed and your rights are protected. Rest assured, we’ll work hard to get you the compensation you need for medical costs, ongoing care, and other related expenses, all while making sure you feel supported and heard throughout the process.

Asynclitic Presentation Negligence by Medical Professionals

If Your Child Suffered Injuries From Asynclitism Negligence, Contact TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm For a Free Consultation Today

If your child suffered injuries caused by asynclitism negligence, TLF: The Medical Injury Law Firm is here to help you take the next steps toward justice and recovery.

Birth injuries can be overwhelming for families, leaving you with financial, emotional, and legal challenges. Our team is dedicated to providing compassionate support and skilled legal representation to ensure you and your child receive the compensation you deserve. We understand how difficult this time is, and we are here to answer your questions, explain your legal options, and fight for your family’s future.

Don’t face this alone—reach out today for a free case evaluation. Call (800) 698-4054 or contact us online to get started.

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